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User Guides

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SamuraiSafe macOS User Guide

SamuraiSafe macOS User Guide (German)


SamuraiSafe iOS Tips

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SamuraiSafe macOS Tips

SamuraiSafe macOS Tips (German)

Release Notes

SamuraiSafe iOS Release Notes

SamuraiSafe macOS Release Notes

Support Notes

NOTE: Click the title below to see the complete item.

  • Security Checkup for SamuraiSafe

    SamuraiSafe now includes a security checkup function. Select Security Checkup from an open safe from the Tools menu (macOS) or the Tools icon (iOS).

  • Local Autofill Safes (iOS and macOS)

    Until recently, the password Autofill feature has been restricted to iCloud safes, due to the need for both the SamuraiSafe app and the SamuraiSafe app extension to be able to read the selected password safe.

  • Password AutoFill for SamuraiSafe on macOS (updated)

    Password AutoFill allows easy login using SamuraiSafe credentials to websites using Safari or other macOS apps that support Password AutoFill. It is particularly convenient using TouchID on supported hardware.

  • Password AutoFill for SamuraiSafe on iOS (updated)

    Password AutoFill allows easy login using SamuraiSafe credentials to websites using Safari, Chrome, Firefox or other iOS apps that support AutoFill.

  • Custom Fields for SamuraiSafe

    SamuraiSafe now supports custom fields that may be attached to a password entry.
    • The field label and value may be set to an arbitrary string value.
    • Custom fields are sorted by field label below the notes field.
    • The custom field label and value are searched when queried from the search field.
    • Limited to 20 custom fields per password entry.

  • Enhanced Encryption for SamuraiSafe

    As hardware has become faster, the cost of a brute-force attack on an encrypted safe has fallen. To counter this risk, SamuraiSafe:

    • Ensures your safe password is strong (by setting a minimum standard for safe passwords),
    • will use a stronger algorithm to generate the encryption key:
      • PBKDF2 runs 50 times more iterations1,
      • a safe specific salt is added (further complicating decryption).

    Minimum password strength is an option in SamuraiSafe settings.

    1. iPhone 6s: ~224ms, iPhone 14: ~58ms. 

  • SamuraiSafe iCloud Troubleshooting

    iCloud usually ‘just works’, but occasionally there are circumstances when it doesn’t. Common issues seen are a failure to sync a safe, or a ’stuck’ (partly complete) sync. If this happens there are few things you can try which usually resolve the issue.

  • SamuraiSafe Password History and Safe Format Upgrades

    SamuraiSafe on iOS and macOS now supports password history (retaining previously saved passwords). When enabled, the limit specified in Preferences indicates the maximum number of previous passwords to be retained for an entry. You can also create a custom limit for a particular entry.

  • PasswordSafe to SamuraiSafe Migration Tool: CSV to XML

    SamuraiSafe for macOS directly imports XML format password files exported from either the Windows or Java versions of PasswordSafe. To assist in migration from other products, I provide a simple CSV to XML conversion program. It is an AWK script, which to run requires familiarity with the UNIX command line.