SamuraiSafe on iOS and macOS now supports password history (retaining previously saved passwords). When enabled, the limit specified in Preferences indicates the maximum number of previous passwords to be retained for an entry. You can also create a custom limit for a particular entry.


Enabling of the Password History feature requires a password safe file format upgrade. This is unfortunate, and I have taken steps to ensure this shouldn’t be required again. If the Password History feature is of no interest - there is no need to migrate your password safes.

Once you enable Upgrade Safe on Open/Create in Preferences, and you open an old (V1) format safe, you will be prompted to upgrade to the new (V2) format. This is a quick and safe operation and doesn’t involve any decryption/encryption of entries. A backup copy of the old version of the safe is retained automatically for iOS and macOS iCloud safes and may manually be saved for non iCloud macOS safes.

The backup copy is a precaution. Once you are satisfied the upgrade was successfull and you have opened the upgraded safe on all your devices, feel free to remove the backup.


Turning off the Upgrade Safe on Open/Create Password History Setting will stop SamuraiSafe from prompting to upgrade old safes. This setting also governs whether newly created safes are new or old file format.