General Preferences
Open Dialog: Set read only by default. Sets the default mode when opening an existing safe: either read-only or read-write.
Allow Touch ID login. If you have Touch ID hardware, and it is set up, this setting allows the use of Touch ID for each password safe. If you disable this switch Touch ID for all safes is disabled (removing all associated Touch ID safe passwords).
Show in menu bar: When enabled, SamuraiSafe appears in the menu bar while running.
Use tabs: (when opening multiple safes) instead of windows — can be set to automatic, on or off.
Appearance: can be set to system, dark or light.
Password history: is the option to retain a specified number of previously used passwords. A file format upgrade is required for this feature to work.
Enabling Upgrade safe on open allows prompting to upgrade a password safe from the old format (V1) to the new format (V2) required to support password history, custom fields and autofill settings. Please see for further information on safe migration.
Keep: is a maximum number of previous passwords to be retained. This setting can be overriden on a per entry basis (up or down). Reducing the Keep preferences setting will not affect previous passwords already saved until a entry has a password updated.
NOTE: retaining a large number of old passwords may make your password safe grow in size significantly, so use this option judiciously.