V1.45 - 18 June 2024
• Minor tidy up of menus to save space.
• If a filename pattern is supplied, and “Show All Files Searched” is set. All searched files can be previewed.

V1.44 - 13 June 2024
• Optionally search PDF metadata (Title, Author, Subject, Creator, Producer, CreationDate, ModDate, Keywords). Can restrict search to metadata only.
• Accessing a SMB share that is unavailable can lead to a very long delay. Display now indicates “Loading Files & Folders …” during the timeout.

V1.43 - 11 June 2024
• Crash when deleting a custom file type whilst focus was on another.
• Errors in accessing saved file/folder at launch not being displayed.
• Access for file preview for network folders.

V1.42 - 7 June 2024
Spit and polish edition.
• updating saved file/folder bookmark names,
• updating custom file types,
• layout of Font settings,
• folder icon and folder type identification.
• can now add DropBox folders for searching (with latest DropBox update).

V1.41 - 2 June 2024
• Cursor jumping to end of line when editing middle of search string.
• Improved progress display when downloading from iCloud.

V1.40 - 31 May 2024
• Specify search target files by supplying a filename pattern (overrides the file type selection mechanism).
• Help text summary for search regular expression and filename pattern.
• Skip subdirectories option (permitting search of the top level directory only).
• Show Line Numbers acts immediately on results.
• Disabled options are grayed out.
• Crash on going into background from navigated views (i.e. not main view).

V1.39 - 27 May 2024
• Quicklook preview of matched files on clicking the eye icon.

V1.38 - 14 May 2024
• Improve font setting layout.
• Fix display of newly added bookmark icons.

V1.37 - 13 May 2024
• Fix position of section breaks when showing context.
• Improved: layout of show context option, welcome message.
• Fix display after selection from search history.
• Added Appearance setting.

V1.36 - 11 May 2024
• Further efficiency improvements.
• Context size is now configurable.

V1.35 - 9 May 2024
• Further improvements to matched line highlighting.
• Improved bookmark icons for files.

V1.34 - 5 May 2024
• Improved the matched line highlighting mechanism. It now handles large numbers of matches on extremely long lines. Using new swift features - so now iOS 15.0 or later.

V1.33 - 4 May 2024
• Removed the line length limit.
Please let me know if this causes any issues for your use case. Detecting impending resource exhaustion is difficult.

V1.32 - 8 January 2024
• Fix email subject with Help/Request Support.

V1.31 - 1 January 2024
• Forward compatibility updates.

V1.30 - 14 September 2023
• Ready for iOS 17.0.

V1.29 - 18 July 2023
• Show context option for plain text files.
• Updated supported content types.

V1.28 - 5 July 2023
• Add individual files as well as directories for searching.
• If the files are plain text, they will be searched by default. If they are PDF, PDF Search needs to be enabled.

V1.27 - 27 March 2023
• Internal efficiency tweaks.

V1.26 - 14 February 2023
• If memory becomes low (typically during PDF search), searching will pause to allow memory to be freed.
• Status display indicates search progress and when waiting for memory.
• Some minor improvements to the user interface.

V1.25 - 8 February 2023
• Export search results disabled until complete.
• Matched text is now colored for visibility.
• File related errors always appear in results.
• Extended the fonts available for display of results.

V1.24 - 7 February 2023
• Downloading of iCloud Files is now automatic (whenever an iCloud folder is a searched).
• Search now uses multiple threads (particularly helpful for PDF search).
• Increased the soft memory limit. Note: PDF search can be very memory hungry. If memory limit is reached, it is worth retrying.
• Sort order for filenames in results is now case insensitive.
• Failure to open a file no longer stops searches (message is posted).
• Added ‘txt’ as a default file type.
• Resolved issue with editing custom file types in iOS 16.
• Resolved issue with interpretation of DOS format files (seeing phantom long lines).

V1.23 - 4 February 2023
• Search Results are now sorted by search folder and filename.
• Save Search Results button exports a plaintext copy of the search results.
• Reinstated support of iOS 14.0.
• Search text field scrolls horizontally on iOS 15 and iOS 16

V1.22 - 18 January 2023
• Fixed font settings option display on iOS 16.
• Moved search button to allow more space for search text. On iOS 16 search text will scroll horizontally.

V1.21 - 6 May 2022
• Rate/Review now opens app store on appropriate page. Please try it! :-)

V1.20 - 18 January 2022
• Restored search performance (lost in last update).
• Online help (see More Options).

V1.19 - 17 January 2022
• Resolved Download iCloud Files issues.
• Improved status and error messages.

V1.18 - 11 January 2022
• Search folders that disappear now generate an error message (on startup or when folders are changed).
• PDF search results correctly display matches across line boundaries.
• PDF search option moved to front.
• Improved warning messages.

NOTE: Download iCloud Files sometimes can’t see the files it needs to download.
Restarting the app and running again often helps. Under investigation.

V1.17 - 9 January 2022
• Fixed unnecessary auto-toggle of Download iCloud Files.
• Moved the Status field up so it is easier to see.

V1.16 - 8 January 2022
• Now searches PDFs!:
  . Page numbers are supplied for PDF search results rather than line numbers.
  . PDF search ignores Whole Word and Regular Expression settings (alert warns of this).
  . Being a new feature, please let me know of any issues.

• New Show All Files Searched option (lists filenames searched even if no results found).

• Fixed issues with Download iCloud Files:
  . downloads the top level of a Search Folder,
  . waits till downloads have completed.

V1.15 - 7 January 2022
• Resolved issues with custom file type editing.

V1.14 - 3 January 2022
• Resolved issue with Search Folder editing.
• Improved Search Folder info view on iPhone.
• Distinguish between SMB/USB and other Removable Drive Folders.

V1.13 - 1 January 2022
• Fixed crash when saved folder no longer exists.

V1.12 - 31 December 2021
• Search Folders are now sorted.
• Fix: Search field placeholder updated when regexp enabled/disabled.

V1.11 - 29 December 2021
• Long press on Search Folder name to provide menu:
       Info: show folder details (replaces double tap action),
       Rename: edit the display name (no change to referenced folder),
       Remove: remove the search folder (alternative to swipe left).

• App Icon/Display Name of Search Folder shown if available.
• Search Results are prefixed by the Search Folder display name if multiple folders are selected.
• Bug fixes: always save Search Folder selection, allow cancellation of large iCloud queries.

V1.10 - 2 November 2021
• Improved speed and reliability of iCloud file downloading.

V1.9 - 13 October 2021
• Fix issues with whole word search. Regular expression search now disables whole word option.
• On iPad, double tap on a Search Folder name reveals the file path.
• Search result filenames: always remove leading “/”.

V1.8 - 12 October 2021
• Fixed an issue where the share sheet (opening a file in another app) would sometimes fail.

V1.7 - 22 August 2021
• Minor internal improvements. Fixed app store iPhone images.

V1.6 - 15 August 2021
• Only show Download iCloud Files option when iCloud folders active.
• Improved implementation of Download iCloud Files limiting concurrent resource use.

V1.5 - 12 August 2021

Download iCloud Files

This option, when enabled, will download iCloud files in selected iCloud Drive folders that match the file type (file extension) criteria, if they are known, yet not downloaded on the device.

Typically this needs to be only run once before a set of search queries. For this reason the option resets after use. It is re-enabled if the file type criteria are changed. It can also be enabled manually.

iCloud Drive file download speed will depend on network connectivity. Progress is indicated in the app Status field. The downloading process can be interrupted.

Note that if you try downloading files for an iCloud Drive folder that has recently been synced, you may not fetch all the files. Restarting the app sometimes helps (I’m trying to work out why this is so).

V1.4 – 31 July 2021
• Hide keyboard after search using button so Status is clearly visible.

V1.3 – 29 July 2021
• Long running queries can be stopped.
• Low memory conditions are detected: stopping queries with excessive results.
• Visual tweaks, more icons.

V1.2 – 25 July 2021
• Go button on search field.
• Compacted More Options.
• No autocorrect/spellcheck in search.

V1.1 – 18 July 2021
• Add search folders from the Files app or other capable apps (via action button).
• Faster and more robust regular expression matching.
• Added search history.
• Resolved minor formatting issues.

V1.0 – 16 July 2021
First release.